When we decide to turn our hearts and minds to Christ, we are told “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” (Rom 12:2). That is because we are to set our minds on things above, not on things that are on earth (Col 3:2). But as we place our minds on things above, we cannot take every thought and every incident as a message from God. One of the most difficult feats I encounter with those we (ETM) help, is working with individuals that are “spiritual” and attribute all incidents or thoughts as messages from God. They believe that the thoughts, voices or spiritual occurrences are messages from God telling them to do something or encouraging them to pursue things or people that are really desired by their flesh. Yes, God does speak. But what people fail to realize is that God is not a God of confusion and He abhors sin. If you are trying to remove sin from your life,

  • God is not going to give you a message that will stir up feelings making you long for the person you are trying to separate from.
  • God is not going to send and bless you with a mate that is going to lead you into sin.
  • God is not going to speak to you with directions at the same time you are being tormented by the enemy that is also giving you direction. He has other ways of speaking to you.

The enemy has no problem pretending to be Jesus or God. When you are being tormented your discernment is not clear and the enemy will always take advantage of your weaknesses. The voice you hear is probably not the Lord. Remember, he tells us to “bring every thought into the captivity to the obedience of Christ” (Cor 10:5).