Welcome to Exposing Truth Ministries
Exposing the Truth through Exposing the Lies
About Exposing Truth Ministries
Exposing Truth Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian ministry whose purpose is to lead people to the gift that God has set before us. We are here:
For those that are in spiritual bondage, we minister Healing and Deliverance.
For those that want to know how to overcome adversity and learn how to live victoriously, we offer Counseling, Mentoring, Life Groups (includes Bible Study) and Christian Teachings.
For those that want knowledge and training, we have a School of Deliverance.
ETM Services
Exposing Truth Ministries offers several services to help those seeking guidance through the word of God. Our services include Counseling, Deliverance, Inner Healing, Life Groups and Mentoring. We provide our services individually or in groups, depending on your needs, to strengthen your spiritual resolve.
Read the Latest Apologetics from the ETM Team
What Does It Mean To Believe
(John 3:16) "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Many people take this scripture and say ,“I [...]
Do you Question your Salvation?
If you believe that you are saved because you stood up one day and spoke with your month “Jesus is my Lord and Savior” without it coming from the heart, you have a false sense [...]
Are Hell and the LAKE of FIRE real?
Does a loving God really want His creation to suffer ‘eternal torment’? We always wonder about this as a believer and a non-believer. In Revelation 20:12 it is written ‘I saw the dead, small and [...]
Sin, Grace and Consequences
Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it”? (Romans 6:1). Good question Paul. The answer is many people that claim to love [...]
ETM Inspirational Nuggets
Who is the Trinity?
The word Trinity is not a term used in our bible. But is used to identify the three distinct persons of God. We have God, one in essence, with three distinct persons: being the Father, [...]
Not Created, but the Creator
I address the subject of Jesus being creator with people of the Jehovah's Witness faith when knock on my door to share their beliefs. They tell me that Jesus was a created being; the first [...]
ETM Podcast
A Place Called Hell
Jesus teaches that heaven and hell are both real, literal places. He says some will die and live-in bliss while others will exist in torment. This is another subject where Christians pick and choose what [...]
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
No one other than God and maybe yourself, can tell you if or when you received the Holy Spirit. Some are taught that you receive the Holy Spirit permanently when you ask for Jesus to [...]