‘Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life’ (Proverbs 4:23). If our heart is sick it leads to toxic thoughts and emotions rooted in un-forgiveness, bitterness, resentment and hatred, always offended and upset at the drop of a hat. This means a wounded soul and a sick body. Many chronic sicknesses are rooted in an unhealthy heart. People hold on to bitterness, un-forgiveness and remain offended for years and bear the consequences by suffering through life with major physical ailments and diseases. God wants us to have a cheerful attitude which can only come if our heart is healed by getting rid of toxic thoughts and emotions.

The first step is a sincere attitude of forgiveness and letting go of offences. Offences are bound to happen throughout our lifetime but we cannot hold on to it cause it will damage our soul. Once the soul is wounded it takes a long time to come out of it. But God is merciful, compassionate and full of forgiveness. Do not succumb to the enemy’s tactics to poison your heart, Guard it, Load up your thoughts with the Word of God. ‘Your Word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against You’ (Psalm 119:11). Guard your mouth from talking perverse and corrupt language. If you want to know what is in your heart just listen to what frequently comes out of your mouth. In (Matthew 12:34) Jesus said ‘that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’.

Ask God to purify your heart and let the light of Jesus Christ shine on to your soul and heal it of the wounds from years and decades. We can have the mind of Christ with pure and clean thoughts and be right with God, being renewed by the Word of God each day and being transformed. The enemy will throw so many opportunities to us to get offended and upset but we have to fight it by renewing our mind constantly in communion with His Holy Spirit. He will make it easy for us if we practice it constantly.