Many people will disagree when I tell them pride is a sin. Then I have to distinguish the two types of pride. One is being proud of an accomplishment and the other is a pride that is arrogant and boastful, commonly referred to as haughty pride. Haughty pride is a sin; a nasty spirit that is at the root of almost every conflict in the ministry and in families. It can be summarized as an attitude of self; self-exaltation, self-sufficiency and self-importance. It has divided churches, divided sisters and brothers and divided marriages. It is a spirit that God hates and will ultimately cause one to fall (Prov 16:18). Pride will blind you to your faults and make you look ignorant because everyone sees it but you. It is like a cancer that destroys relationships, contentment and common sense.

Some key evidences of a Haughty Pride,

  • Are you argumentative?
  • Are you quick to find fault with others?
  • Do you become defensive when you are corrected?
  • Do you become offended if someone does not agree with you or your ideals?
  • Do you think of yourself as better than others?
  • Do you find it difficult to apologize or admit you are wrong?
  • Are you a perfectionist?

If you see yourself in any of the above, get rid of that spirit before your destruction and before your ultimate fall.