Jesus said, ‘If you can Believe all things are possible for them who believe’; ‘You will see the glory of God if you Believe’; Mark 9:23 and John 11:40. Do we really believe that ‘all things are possible’? Or have we calibrated our mind to think based on Human LOGIC? Do we think it is dumb to believe in the ‘impossible’? Do we really believe that the Blind eyes can be opened, and the deaf ears will hear, the crippled can walk and cancer can dissolve miraculously through prayer? For example, before boarding the flight we have total trust in the Pilot and the aircraft engineering that it will take off, fly and land smoothly. We just believe and take a risk to fly. But do we risk believing in the ‘impossible’? FAITH=RISK. We as a Church always tend to use Logic, Analysis and Reason over Faith and then calibrate our minds to decide what God can or cannot do simply because of our weak experiences or what we see in the natural.

Doubt and Unbelief are the major weapons that the devil uses successfully against believers to block them from believing and seeing the manifestation of the God’s supernatural glory and power. Imagine Peter walking on water – he kept walking as long as his eyes were fixed on Jesus but the moment he looked at the circumstances -the storm, wind and waves he started sinking. We are like that today – sinking in a sea of doubt and unbelief. In Mega churches of the developed world today Public manifestations and practice of Signs, wonders, Miracles and Deliverances from the demonic have been replaced by sound and light shows, motivational lectures and clever marketing strategies to fill the pews. They have some limited value to draw in the crowds and hopefully some get saved. But God wants us to operate with a Child-Like Faith. As a 3-year-old child who has no doubt and unbelief but firmly believes in what their parent tells them and waits with expectation.

We have built ‘strongholds’ of doubt and unbelief in our minds today by building a fortress of reasoning and analytical thinking by human intelligence. The more we dwell on these analyses the lesser we will experience the supernatural. The FOOLISHNESS of God is wiser than the most intelligent thought of Humans. 1 Corinthians 1:25. Is God foolish? For the unbeliever, the supernatural ways of God sound ‘ridiculous and foolish’. But to a strong believer operating in Faith the promise of God that ALL things are Possible holds true and they are firmly rooted in their belief.

Don’t let doubt and unbelief become a stronghold in your thought. Take every such thoughts captive and pull down the fortresses in your mind of unbelief and bring your mind to the obedience of Christ. Doubt and Unbelief are spirits of the ‘anti-Christ’. Declare and confess God’s Word over every challenging situation and crisis in your Life and let FAITH Arise from within you.