How many people go the church, listen to the word given and the next day cannot remember the sermon or how it applies to their lives. God says we are to be doers not just hearers of the word (James 1:22). Hearers and not doers of the word are deceiving themselves. What is the purpose of listening if it is not going to change the heart?

A hearer and not a doer is like a person who takes a quick glance in the mirror but does not take the time to fix what is wrong. The mirror is the reflection of what is wrong; it reveals our heart, our ugly attitudes and sinful nature. But fixing what is wrong is not a priority, so it is quickly forgotten.

Many call themselves a Christian or religious, but if the word does not change the heart and the mind, the religion is worthless and the profession is profitless. So what is gained? A false sense of security and a Spirit of Deception. Self-deception is the worst kind of deception because one does not realize he or she is being deceived. Actually Satan loves this “quick glance in the mirror” because deception is his game and the profitless Christian is amusement.

Become a doer of God’s word and be blessed. Hearing or memorizing the word of God is not enough because He expects us to do what He commands. We may deceive ourselves but we can never deceive God.

Dee Bowers