I address this subject with people of the Jehovah Witness faith knock on my door to share their beliefs. They tell me that Jesus was a created being; the first born by God. They use Col 1:15 as proof of their beliefs: Col 1:15 “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation”. The Believer’s Bible commentary is great at explaining what this scripture actually means: The expression “firstborn” has at least three different meanings in Scripture. In Luk_2:7, it is used in a literal sense, where Mary had her firstborn Son. There it means that the Lord Jesus was the first Child to whom she gave birth. In Exo_4:22, on the other hand, it is used in a figurative sense, “Israel is My son, even My firstborn.”

In that verse there is no thought of an actual birth having taken place, but the Lord is using this word to describe the distinctive place which the nation of Israel had in His plans and purposes. Finally, in Psa_89:27, the word “firstborn” is used to designate a place of superiority, of supremacy, of uniqueness. There God says that He will make David His firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. David was actually the last-born son of Jesse according to the flesh. But God determined to give him a place of unique supremacy, primacy, and sovereignty.

The Lord Jesus Christ is God’s unique Son. In one sense all believers are sons of God, but the Lord Jesus is God’s Son in a way that is not true of any other. He existed before all creation and occupies a position of supremacy over it.  The expression “firstborn over all creation” has nothing to do with birth in Col 1:15; It is a title of priority of position, and not simply one of time.