I cannot let another day go by without writing about Isaiah 53:5. This one scripture has caused more disagreement amongst Charismatic Christians than any other that I have had to address. The prophet Isaiah prophesized this concerning Jesus. It states, “But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed”. Many believe that Jesus died for our physical healing and use this scripture. I do believe we will all be healed, whether in this life or in eternal life, but that is not what that scripture says. If one will take the time to break down the scripture, as we are supposed to do, you will be able to discern that this scripture is addressing sin.

It says, “He was pierced through for our transgressions”. What are transgressions? It is “breaking the law” or “sin. It says, “He was crushed for our iniquities”. What is iniquities? Iniquities is “sin” or “propensity to sin”. So, are we addressing sin or physical illness? It is sin that we are healed from. Jesus death was a payment for our sin. Physical illness and death is a consequence of sin, not a payment for it. He bore our sins in his body on the cross (Peter 2:24) so that we could be justified by faith (Romans 5:1).

Many respond by saying that Jesus healed during His ministry. Yes, He did (Matthew 8:16) and He heals today. His healing ministry was before the atonement; He took the infirmities and carried away the diseases, but, at atonement, He did not die for our illnesses.  Read scripture for yourself. Don’t allow Satan to pull you from the truth with false doctrine.

Dee- Exposing Truth Ministries