One of the most popular verses in the bible is Php 4:13 – I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me. People use this scripture to say that they can accomplish anything if they believe in Christ. This scripture is used as if it is a promise from God.

Many have heard this scripture quoted out of context and approach challenges with misguided beliefs. I lead a Bible Study where we discuss and expose the truths of the bible. I once had a member leave our Bible Study because when I broke this scripture down, by applying the context which was given, it exposed the true meaning of the verse. I was accused of incorrect teaching and not giving the Lord His due credit.

This scripture is about Paul’s sufferings. Through his many adversities, beatings, shipwrecked, no shelter, no sleep or food, he believed and taught that he would persevere because he could “do all thing through Christ who STRENGTHENS him”. Paul says two verses up (11), that he learned to be content whatever the circumstances. “Doing all things” is about Christ, not about what we want to do. We as believers can get through adversary because it his Christ who gives us the strength and power to endure.

Can “all” Christians that play the lottery become millionaires because they desire to be rich. Can “all” Christians that have a desire to climb Mount Everest reach the top of the mountain? Yes, God can make the impossible happen. Yes, the Lord can give you favor when the odds are against you. But is “doing all things” a promise that says Christians are invincible or that we are immune to life’s failures and challenges. What we can count on are the promises of God, but even God’s promises have conditions that are ignored.