Is speaking the TRUTH OFFENSIVE? Wasn’t people offended by what JESUS and His DISCIPLES said during their times? So many people were angry and mad at Jesus when He spoke the ‘TRUTH’, so much so that they tried to physically attack and KILL HIM. Later when the disciples went around the world preaching the ‘GOOD NEWS’ it offended so many and even caused RIOTS ON THE STREETS’ and were frequently attacked, beaten, IMPRISONED and later killed. In today’s Christian preaching do we always hear the ‘WHOLE TRUTH’ being preached or are we busy trying to ‘PLEASE LISTENERS’ as a ‘CROWD PULLING’ strategy. If you don’t want to offend anyone you will have MASSIVE CROWDS and FAN FOLLOWING. You have famous Evangelists with great fan following who speak half-truths telling everyone exactly what they want to hear – ‘live your life anyhow as Jesus already paid the price for all the sinful lifestyle that you want to pursue so its ok to do as you please and just enjoy life’.

They are no different from several ‘AGNOSTIC motivational speakers, spiritual Gurus, who speak WORLDLY WISDOM or are pure entertainers who draw in crowds and sell their books and have huge business empires built on speaking ‘half-truths’. Its usually about ‘how to be a BETTER PERSON’ and do what your ‘heart tells you’ without being led by the Holy Spirit. Preaching the ‘false-doctrine’ always draws the crowds, while the ‘TRUTH’ can be divisive and offensive to many. God is watching us Christians – whether we are bold and brave to speak the TRUTH in LOVE? Can we speak the Truth without condemning someone? We can speak the truth and let the Holy Spirit bring the conviction. Jesus and His disciples spoke the truth in Love but they were bold and direct about it. Today we use ‘worldly wisdom’ to try and approach people with ‘partial truths’.

Preachers preach ‘kind words and lots of love and forgiveness’ but ignore the rest of the ‘spiritual’ truth. It’s the ‘truth’ that sets people free. Not just kind and pleasing words. Can we be bold enough and call on the Holy Spirit to help us speak the ‘WHOLE TRUTH’? I CHALLENGE you to try speaking the ‘WHOLE TRUTH’ and see if you won’t offend majority of the people you speak to. But yes, the Holy Spirit will eventually bring conviction after the initial ‘REJECTION’. 2 Corinthians 6:5; 2 Corinthians 11:23; Acts 16:23-24; John 6:6-65; John 15:12-13; John 3:19-21.