Many times, we wonder, why God why? Why is this happening to me, where are you when I need you? We have learnt God is love and He will never leave nor forsake His children (Hebrews 13:5-6, Deuteronomy 31:6). But then why do we feel rejected in times of crisis, failure, trauma and pain and He doesn’t answer our prayers? There is no doubt that God is love (John 3:16, 1 John 4:9-10, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:4) and He yearns to see all humanity set free, but He is also Holy and Holiness is His standard. So, when we rebel against His will and live a lifestyle of disobedience indulging in things of the world and making wrong choices don’t we consider us having first rejected Him? It then opens the doors to wickedness taking control over our lives, causing sickness, disease, failures in several areas of life, as God releases us from His hold and let us do as we please. The demonic spirit of rejection enters a person who refuses to acknowledge the will of God by rejecting His knowledge (Hosea 4: 6-10 speaks about God rejecting His people because of them rejecting His knowledge). But there is deliverance and freedom through Christ.

When we recognize that we are acting in disobedience to His will and knowledge we come back to Him in repentance for He is merciful and full of grace and wants you back in His fold. As we sow do we reap. The law of sowing and reaping is true for everyone – a believer or a non-believer in Christ. But the advantage of a believer in Christ is that through Him, His blood we have been redeemed from the law and we receive a hedge of protection. But willful disobedience and rebellion will cause us to stumble and face attacks from the devil and we drift away from God’s shelter and cause serious delays in the manifestation of His will and destiny for our lives (2 Peter 2:20-21). It’s grieving the Holy Spirit. However, if we confess our sins and repent, He is ever merciful and forgiving (1 John 8-9). It is a change of attitude of our heart that He is waiting for, repentance is the key as Jesus said (Luke 13:3). Recognizing our disobedience and back-sliding ways will help us receive our deliverance and enjoy true freedom in Christ. The Holy Spirit will convict us in this regard. Else we will continue to struggle and strive through life with consistent failure after failure. We have a choice – obedience or rebellion. God will always give us a way of escape from destruction for those who are in Christ, but why do we delay it with our rebellion and rejection of His Word?