BIGOTRY and HATRED are both strongholds which are rooted from evil. As ministers and ambassadors of Christ we cannot be partial as to whom we should minister or offer help to and we can’t hate on people because of where they come from or because they follow different faiths or beliefs. (James 2:9 love your neighbor as yourself…if you show partiality you are committing sin). Jesus paid the price by sacrificing on the cross for all of mankind. He came to set the captives free. We who are in Christ are called to reach out to anyone out there who seeks help and lead them to the truth to Christ and get them saved (a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, slave…Colossians 3:11)

If we only choose to talk to people who look like us, dress and have the same lifestyle, same beliefs and political ideology, go to the same church as us and many such, what was the need for Jesus to go to the cross? Are we going to bring them to the light? Can we bring them the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10? Do we hate whose that don’t agree with us? Is that what Jesus would like us to do? We as ambassadors of Christ have a responsibility to partner with Christ in establishing His Kingdom. Bigotry and Hatred works completely against God’s will. We hate the sin and the chosen lifestyle or paganism but we love people – unconditionally just as Christ would love. Love on them, reach out and bring them to the light to the truth. ‘For the same Lord is the Lord of all’ Romans 10:12-13.

We give them an opportunity to believe and receive Christ. We can bring church and do Bible studies and pray in tongues all day but without the unconditional love it is all useless.