Many Christians get involved in New Age techniques or other religion practices without giving a second thought to the ramifications involved when practicing a system that is rooted in the occult or other belief systems. Yoga which was developed to be used in Hinduism to achieve union with the Hindu concept of God.   Just knowing that it is rooted in another religion should bring up red flags, but Christians and even churches are practicing Yoga without regard to the fact that God hates idolatry.

Many people clearly are not practicing it for spiritual reasons but desire to improve their physical appearance, or health.  Yoga was developed for a specific purpose therefore participation in this practice, regardless of the intent, opens one up to the consequences of idolatry.  There are many types of Yoga (all Eastern varieties) but unless you are practicing for spiritual purposes, the instructor may not be aware of the implications. Our ministry works with many individuals that innocently practiced Yoga and ended up in demonic bondage.   One such Yoga is called Kundalini Yoga which deliberately attempts to arouse and raise divine energy.  This energy sleeps at the base of the spine like a serpent, coiled in three and one-half circles.  The many hand positions, chanting, and meditation awakens the energy that slowly takes control over your nervous system.  Christians that awaken Kundalini believe that the spiritual bliss, tremors, tears, joy, healings or visions achieved are all due to their relationship with the Holy Spirit.  This is actually a demonic spirit that has been invoked.  Those that intentionally practice Reiki (a new age practice to achieving spiritual bliss and healing), practice Kundalini Yoga to reach their spiritual enlightenment.

Christians wake up.  The enemy roars like a lion looking for those he can entrap and devour. There is nothing wrong using stretching exercises to tone the body but practicing Yoga can come with great consequences.