Inspirational Nuggets

Inspirational Nuggets are valuable ideas or facts.  Exposing Truth Ministries prays that you are blessed & inspired by our words of wisdom or revelations.


By |2018-01-22T18:36:53+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Becoming Christ-Like, Inspirational Nuggets|

I have been reading a lot of post lately about judgment. Some people are wondering if the Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, are about God’s judgment. Many responses have been “judgement was taken away by Jesus, we are not being judged”. Well I don’t know if God is using Hurricanes to get our attention but I [...]

Why is Grace the major distinguisher between Christianity and the rest of the world?

By |2018-01-22T18:35:41+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Christian Growth, Inspirational Nuggets|

All religions believe that a creator has given laws for mankind and they believe that if we break the law we are bound to be punished similarly mankind is always striving to please the Creator by doing Good Works like providing for the poor, charity, praying several times a day trying to remain pure and [...]


By |2018-01-22T18:31:38+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Christian Growth, Inspirational Nuggets|

Steadfast Faith that can move MOUNTAINS? Faith that BELIEVES in the POWER of the name JESUS CHRIST. You maybe the only one in your family, office, business, school, college, village or neighborhood who is operating in the GIFT of Faith. But Faith is CONTAGIOUS. Your Faith can work on encouraging the ones who are in [...]

Unanswered Prayer

By |2018-01-22T18:28:36+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Christian Growth, Inspirational Nuggets|

It saddens me when I read about people, or talk to people, who have lost faith because of unanswered prayer. I always ask, "do you know the conditions to getting your prayer answered"?   First of all, we know that we cannot put God in a box, meaning don't limit Him or say what He will [...]

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