DECEPTION begins from our own thoughts as we start believing in lies from our childhood when people say certain negative things and we tend to accept that over us. Certain failures early in life can cause us to think that what was spoken over us are our areas of weakness and we become bonded to those thoughts which become negative strongholds later in life and we struggle with it when situations arise. Examples like getting bad grades at school means you’re an under-achiever, too shy or timid means poor public speaking or presenting capabilities, frequent cold or flu attacks from childhood means fear of allergies every season change.

Sometimes it was negative and sinful behavior which was encouraged by parents, friends which cause us to be prideful and yearn for popularity which tend to continue later on in life. The devil is a liar and constantly deceives the world in many ways (Revelations 12:9). Guard our thoughts and heart from the wicked (Proverbs 4:23). Our thoughts could be bombarded from all around (false teaching, wrong advice from media, how to socialize, what to eat, drink, wear, how to talk, crude jokes, foul language as entertainment).

The Word of God shows us discernment of right Godly thoughts (James 3:17 – pure, peaceful, full of good fruit) as we set our thoughts above (heavenly thoughts through His Holy Spirit, (Colossians 3:2). We live in a fallen world, full of sin and our sinful flesh loves to indulge and our thoughts and heart are weakened constantly. We need to break off those assaults by the Spirit of God who empowers us to fight it. The battle is in the realm of our own thoughts. Let’s start there and ask the Holy Spirit to purge it of all negatives and deliver us from those strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

Isaac Easow