Inspirational Nuggets

Inspirational Nuggets are valuable ideas or facts.  Exposing Truth Ministries prays that you are blessed & inspired by our words of wisdom or revelations.

Come as you are?

By |2020-01-15T17:14:49+00:00January 15th, 2020|Doctrine and Myths, Inspirational Nuggets|

I lost count of the number of times I have heard people say that God says “we can come as we are” when it comes to the way people dress at church service. Some are dressed so sexually provocatively that the church message is lost in lust or indignation from others. I hear people say [...]

Are you a Reviler?

By |2020-01-15T17:09:55+00:00January 15th, 2020|Inspirational Nuggets, Strongholds Nuggets|

Many people see this word "Reviler" in 1Cor 6 as a type of person that will not see in the kingdom of God, but not understand what the word means. “Revilers” refers to people who say all kinds of hateful things out of their mouth and are verbally abusive. They insult, ridicule and bully others. [...]

Church Failing Us

By |2019-07-09T15:56:29+00:00July 9th, 2019|Inspirational Nuggets, Relationship with God|

I have been reading a lot about how the Catholic Church has failed us and about how promising ministers/Pastors have fallen into sin. Yes, church leaders are called to a higher standard, but they are men not Jesus (James 3:1). Sadly, some Church leaders are thieves, fornicators, adulterers, idolaters, false teachers; all the attributes that [...]


By |2019-07-09T15:54:51+00:00July 9th, 2019|Inspirational Nuggets, New Age - Occult|

Some Christians believe they are called to a ministry of Healing and get involved into Mysticism believing it is led by the Holy Spirit. This is a New Age Occult practice called Reiki. And where it may seem like someone is healed (Satan can heal), it opens one up to demons. Don’t go to these [...]

What it means to Believe for Salvation?

By |2022-11-10T23:46:19+00:00July 8th, 2019|Inspirational Nuggets, Salvations|

Many people think they are saved because they “believe in Jesus”. The question is do you understand what "believe" really means. There is a huge difference between “believing in Jesus” and “believing” there is/was a Jesus. Intellectual reasoning is not biblical faith. James 2:19 says that even the demons believe God is real, so just [...]

Is Generational Sin a Concern?

By |2019-07-08T19:11:45+00:00July 8th, 2019|Curses, Inspirational Nuggets|

Why are people that love the Lord and follow his precepts still in bondage; broken relationships, illnesses, financial lack, spiritual harassment etc.? Because, most have not dealt with the sins of their forefathers or ancestors. In the bible, Exodus 20:5, Exo 34:7, Num 14:18 and Deu 5:9, all say that “the sins of the fathers [...]

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