Strongholds Nuggets

This is a list of Inspirational Nuggets writings based on the topic of Strongholds that are written by Exposing Truth Ministries leaders.

Are you a Reviler?

By |2020-01-15T17:09:55+00:00January 15th, 2020|Inspirational Nuggets, Strongholds Nuggets|

Many people see this word "Reviler" in 1Cor 6 as a type of person that will not see in the kingdom of God, but not understand what the word means. “Revilers” refers to people who say all kinds of hateful things out of their mouth and are verbally abusive. They insult, ridicule and bully others. [...]

Spirit of Pride

By |2018-06-12T17:17:08+00:00June 12th, 2018|Inspirational Nuggets, Strongholds Nuggets|

Many people will disagree when I tell them pride is a sin. Then I have to distinguish the two types of pride. One is being proud of an accomplishment and the other is a pride that is arrogant and boastful, commonly referred to as haughty pride. Haughty pride is a sin; a nasty spirit that [...]

Spirit of Offense

By |2018-06-12T17:14:22+00:00June 12th, 2018|Inspirational Nuggets, Strongholds Nuggets|

The Spirit of Offense falls under the Jealousy strongman, but it brings with it the Spirits of Pride, Accusation, Strife and Bitterness. People with this spirit are easily offended and are compulsive complainers. The root to this spirit is insecurity; there is need for validation and respect from others to feel good about themselves. It [...]

Sinful Man or Child of God?

By |2018-05-11T17:59:29+00:00May 11th, 2018|Inspirational Nuggets, Strongholds Nuggets|

‘I’m a ‘SINFUL’ man. The ‘SINS’ of my Youth were plentiful. I may not have done serious crimes, but I had hateful thoughts, anger and bitterness and resented certain people. Now I want to be a ‘GOOD person’, a ‘good father’, ‘good husband’, ‘respectable family/community elder/leader’. So today, I go make several offerings (burnt offering, [...]

Are You Constantly being Distraction?

By |2018-01-22T18:27:14+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Inspirational Nuggets, Strongholds Nuggets|

Constant DISTRACTIONS? Feeling LAZY and LETHARGIC lately? Unable to FOCUS while reading and studying, Feel sleepy and yawn a lot during church services and teachings - constant distraction with SOCIAL MEDIA? IMPATIENCE and RESTLESSNESS during worship, prayers and sermons? Feeling DISCONNECTED with lack of ENTHUSIASM and don't feel like participating in ministry? These are all [...]

Spirit of Heaviness

By |2017-06-18T16:56:29+00:00June 18th, 2017|Inspirational Nuggets, Strongholds Nuggets|

Spirit of HEAVINESS can make one sleepy, sluggish, lethargic and see everything as dull and grey. It’s hard to believe for blessings and prosperity. Its hard to pray, read the Bible or participate in anything exciting. Messages and sermons sound dull and boring There is no momentum or direction in life. It could sometime lead [...]

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