Are you involved in a relationship that you know is not good but you cannot seem to completely walk away? Does it seem like you are drawn back into a relationship of control, manipulation or domination? Bad relationships can tie people’s lives together through a spiritual glue which can cause emotional and physical damage. This spiritual glue is called ungodly “Soul Ties” and is fueled by spirits.  An ungodly Soul Tie will cause irrational thinking and the inability to establish and maintain healthy relationships.

The most common soul tie is through sexual relations.  Every time you have sexual intercourse with someone, you become united as one spiritually, and perhaps, physically, mentally and emotionally. A marriage is supposed to produce a godly bond that no man should break apart (Mark 10:7-9), but the marriage can become ungodly if it is tainted with sin or abuse.  And the bible tells us that sexual relations with someone other than a spouse is like “joining yourself to a prostitute where the two shall become one flesh” (1Co 6:15-16).  There is often significant emotional trauma associated with sexual immorality.  Soul ties between fornicators can glue a mistreated or beaten women to a man knowing that the behavior is demeaning and hurtful, but she just can’t pull herself away.  Even married abused women with the means of taking care of themselves, have a difficult time leaving the abuser at the risk of being killed.  Some of us have glued or bonded ourselves to so many sexual partners through fornication and adultery that our lives are plagued with all types hindrances, depression, despair and spiritual attacks.

Other types of Soul Ties can be;

  • A break-up or divorce where there is still hurt or love
  • A painful falling out with a loved one or friend
  • Association with others in sin
  • Association with cults, gangs or occultism
  • A controlling parent interfering with adult children
  • Negative words spoken by an authority figure, teacher or doctor
  • An abortion


In summary, an ungodly soul ties can be any relationship in sin or that has caused you emotional or mental pain/memories.

These attachments can be broken:

  • Pray and ask God to reveal all unhealthy Soul Ties
  • Confess the sin of allowing or making the Soul Ties, and ask for forgiveness
  • Ask God to restore what was taken during that relationship; it may be your peace, your self-esteem or your freedom
  • Take authority over the spirits that are fueling the spiritual tie and declare them broken in the name of Jesus

Remember our God is a healer, restorer and provider to all that loves Him.


Dee – Exposing Truth Ministries