ETM Apologetics
Exposing Truth Ministries brings to you the followers of Christ our Apologetics writings. Words of wisdom to help defend those of the Christian faith.
“Apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia,” meaning “to make a defense.” Apologetics address many areas of the Christian faith. Its basic principle is to teach why Christianity is the true faith. We defend the faith by answering unbelief, attacking foolish doctrines, explaining misunderstood or controversial areas, and bringing to light areas previously shrouded in darkness.
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Most Recent Apologetics
Breaking Ungodly Soul Tie
Are you involved in a relationship that you know is not good but you cannot seem to completely walk away? Does it seem like you are drawn back into a relationship of control, manipulation or [...]
Choose Life
What would you do if you were lost and ended up at a dead end that had two doors; one was sparkly red and glittered and the other was green? The glittered door grabs your [...]
What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
Jesus states that there is only one sin that cannot be forgiven and it is “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit”. He says that blasphemy towards Him or the Father can be forgiven but of the [...]
Naked and Unashamed
Adam and Eve walked in the Garden of Eden with God naked and unashamed (Genesis 2:25). After their sin of disobedience, they immediately opened their eyes and realized that they were naked. They were so [...]
Can You Win at the Blame Game?
The “blame game” is a generational sin passed from Adam. I am sure you remember the story from the Bible of Adam & Eve and the sin that was “blamed” on Eve. It is the [...]
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