ETM Apologetics
Exposing Truth Ministries brings to you the followers of Christ our Apologetics writings. Words of wisdom to help defend those of the Christian faith.
“Apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia,” meaning “to make a defense.” Apologetics address many areas of the Christian faith. Its basic principle is to teach why Christianity is the true faith. We defend the faith by answering unbelief, attacking foolish doctrines, explaining misunderstood or controversial areas, and bringing to light areas previously shrouded in darkness.
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Most Recent Apologetics
What Happen at the Cross?
When I first got involved in Deliverance as a ministry, I was amazed at the number of people that did not believe in the devil and sin. They were taught that when Jesus died on [...]
Are You Seeking God’s Will For Your Life?
God had all of your days planned out before you were born. You were not a mistake. You were born at the right time and the right gender for your purpose. Some of us spend [...]
A Positive Confession is Still Truth Not Lies
I write this article in hope that it will bring some balance to the teachings on positive confession which is preached by many that are considered Word of Faith teachers. The purpose to this article [...]
Is Repentance About Being Sorry?
Many people believe that repentance is feeling remorseful about the situation, or saying you are sorry. Repentance is actually a change of mind/heart that results in a change in behavior. It is a life changing [...]
Overcoming Doubt, Fear & Anxiety
Doubt, Fear & Anxiety are all spirits that work together to paralyze Christians emotionally and spiritually, so that the work of Christ in and through their lives will cease or be hindered. What does it [...]
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