
ETM Apologetics

Exposing Truth Ministries brings to you the followers of Christ our Apologetics writings. Words of wisdom to help defend those of the Christian faith.

“Apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia,” meaning “to make a defense.” Apologetics address many areas of the Christian faith. Its basic principle is to teach why Christianity is the true faith. We defend the faith by answering unbelief, attacking foolish doctrines, explaining misunderstood or controversial areas, and bringing to light areas previously shrouded in darkness.

Contact us at info@exposingtruth.org for information concerning our Apologetics and Christian Teachings.

Most Recent Apologetics

2612, 2016

What is Secular Music and Fantasy Doing to Our Children?

By |December 26th, 2016|Categories: Apologetics, Sin|0 Comments

We are so busy working and dealing with the issues of the world that we have allowed our children to become infatuated and brain washed by the fantasy and music that glorifies sin.  There is [...]

1312, 2016

7 Ways Demons Gain Control Or Access

By |December 13th, 2016|Categories: Apologetics, Sin|0 Comments

Through generations:   Demons may oppress or possess a person because of previous possession or oppression of the parents. This accounts for demonic influence over children (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Deuteronomy 5:9). Through the mind:   The mind [...]

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