Seeking Answers to your Questions about Demons?  Read what Exposing Truth Ministries has to say about Demons.

People across the Christian world seek answers to questions about demons. ETM will provide answers to your questions based on our knowledge.

Can Christians have demons or be possessed by demons?

The first thing I ask one to think about is what does the phase possessed by demons” mean to you.  Most people define possessed ‘as ownership’.  The dictionary defines possess as ‘to have and hold as property’ or to ‘seize and take control of’.  The Bible is clear that all souls belong to God, therefore making ownership impossible: Ezekiel 18:4, “Behold, all souls are mine.” But demons are trespassers of the mind and the body. We are three-part beings; mind, body, and spirit.  Demons live in the mind and the body. God regenerates the spirit, and the Holy Spirit dwells there. So the answer is yes, Christians can have demons, but no, they cannot be totally possessed.

Does the Bible say that Christians can have demons?

No, the Bible does not specifically say a Christian can have demons. But remember, Jesus healed those that were the children of “Abraham” from spirits, and some that were followers of Christ. Some people believe Christianity did not start until the day of Pentecost. That day was the first record of a public announcement of salvation in the name of Jesus, based on repentance and forgiveness of sin. So those that advocate that Jesus did not cast out demons from Christians may be accurate only because they were not called Christians; they were followers of Jesus. There is a scripture that implies church leaders can be afflicted with demons; 1 Timothy 3:7  addresses leaders of the church being of “good reputation so they will not fall into the reproach and the snare of the devil”. This is one of many scriptures in the New Testament that hint at Christians being plagued with demons.
(I Tim. 3:7, II Tim. 2:26, Jas. 3:15, Lk. 11:36, Lk. 13:16, II Cor. 7:1, 11:1-4, Acts 8:22-23).

Where did the demons come from?

The bible does not specifically state where demons came from, but the Book of Enoch, which is not a canonized book, state that the spirits are from the giants, Nephilim, that lived before the flood of Noah (read Book of Enoch).  Enoch is referenced in our bible and the giants are spoken of, but the book was not included in our canon. Giants are mentioned 13 times in the Old Testament (KJV) and Nephilim are referenced twice in the Old Testament (NASB). Some people believe that fallen angels are demons. This is not correct; spirits and angels are two different beings (Acts 23:8).  The Greek words used are “angelos” for angels and “daimonion” for demons.  The word Angelos for angles is not used when demons are referenced in Greek.

What do demons look like?

Demons can take many shapes and forms. They can look like evil, horrid creatures, or like family members.  One may see them while asleep, awake, or even in a person’s face.

What is the goal of the demons?

The goal of the demon is to carry out Satan’s plan; to kill, steal, and destroy mankind. They cause physical illness, mental illness, death, pain, sexual perversion, dissension, anger, anxiety, wrath, nightmares, fear, phobias, hindrance from receiving God, and pride, just to name a few afflictions.

Where do demons live?

They live in the human body/brain and in animals. Furthermore, these entities attach to objects of evil or sin, eventually infiltrating a warm body. They prefer people and staying in generations of the same family line but will attach themselves to buildings/land used for sinless purposes; idolatry, objects used in rituals, objects or artifacts of worldly religions, jewelry, statues, etc.

How can a person get a demon?

There are four ways a person can get demons, personal sin, generational sin (ancestors and parents), curses and association with others carrying demons. All give the demons a legal right to afflict.

Can a person have more than one demon?

Yes, a person can have thousands; many of the same perversion. Spirits bring in other spirits and work together. The more sin the more demons.

Can children have demons?

Yes, children are born with them and get them if they are in environments that breed sin. Some examples are;

  • Children born from incestuous unions or out of wedlock
  • Unwanted Children
  • Children in dysfunctional families
  • Generational family sin
  • Children that are abused (sexual and verbal) or living in fear
  • Children playing horror or sinful games
  • Children that watch horror movies and sexual sin movies
  • Children involved in pornography

Parent give spirits the legal right to attack their children if they are not the spiritual covering.

Who or what does demons fear most?

They fear Satan, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.

Can one get rid of demons by counseling, attending church, reading and listening to the word of God, or medication?

No, only the power of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can remove demons. If spirits infect you, they will not leave unless you cast them out or Jesus removes them. When you die they move on to another family member. A minister can assist with the deliverance, but it is Jesus that does the removal.

Are demons powerful?

Yes, but not more than the power that lives in you if you are a spirit filled Christian. They can cause mental illness, suicide, depression, emotional torment, seizures, stuttering, murder, dissent, deception, violence, hindrance, fear, relationship problems, sexual perversion, low self-esteem, divination, etc. The bible is full of examples.

Do spirits have different degrees of wickedness?

Yes. The manifestations can be mild to extreme. They have an army structure with leaders and minions. I have found that the leaders are the ones that usually speak.

Why does my Pastor or Church not teach about demons?

a. Many Pastors are not aware of Satan’s strategy and tactics.

i. 2 Corinthians 2:11 – Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

b. Many do not believe that demons exist or they were taught false doctrine believing that it was a first century problem and not an issue for today.

i. 2 Peter 5:8 – Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

c. They are dealing with their own sin and do not want anyone to call them out.

i. Ephesians 4:27  – and do not give the devil a foothold.

d. They don’t know what to do or how to help others that are being attacked.

i. Hosea 4:6 – My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge

e. Many are doing Satan’s will by allowing false doctrine in the church.

i. 2 Corinthians 11:4 – For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.

f. Many Pastors are afraid of what other may think of them.

i. John 12:42-43 – Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

g. Many Pastors do not want to lose Congregation member for fear of losing revenue.

i. 1 Timothy 6:9 – But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

Why is it so many people have rejected the thought of demons even when they have heard of seen him in action?

One of Satan’s most powerful tools is deception. What is hidden can do more damage than realities that are exposed. When we have been deceived we walk with ignorance and lies. Jesus says “it is the truth that will set us free” (John 8:32). Those people have been deceived.

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