Exposing the Truth through Exposing the Lies

Did you know God promised eternal life to those that believe in Jesus Christ? It is a gift from God to those that want to receive it. Without this free gift, we have death. Death is the consequence of our sin or it is the consequence of how we live. Many people believe that eternal life refers to existence after we die and nothing more. However, what they fail to realize is that eternal life is now and forever. It is not just about a perpetual life; it is about quantity and quality of life. We do not have to wait for eternal life because it starts the moment we exercise our faith and trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ. God want us to not only have the eternal life He promises; His desire is that we live a plentiful life here on earth as well.

The reason many of us do not claim this promise is because of the lies we are told or the lies we believe. These lies build strongholds in our life that prevent us from living in the abundance that Jesus died to give us.

Exposing Truth Ministry (ETM) is a ministry whose purpose is to lead people to the gift that God has set before us. ETM is a 501c3 non-denominational ministry:

  • For those that are in spiritual bondage we, minister Healing and Deliverance.

  • For those that want to know how to overcome adversity and learn how to live victoriously, we offer Counseling, Mentoring and Life Group (includes Bible Study).

  • For those that want knowledge and training, we have a School of Deliverance and future plans for Ministerial Training

ETM is comprised of ordained ministers and dedicated servants of the Lord, whose primary mission is to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and to set those in captivity free.  Many of us believe we are at war with man, but our war is with an invisible opponent. In order to live this victorious, abundant life, it is imperative that we know who we are in Christ.  Also, we need to equip ourselves with the tools that He has given us to be overcomers in every battle of life.